Pitch Deck and Pitching Masterclass
“One Pitch – One Putt”: Creating a winning Pitch Deck.
This masterclass teaches you how to craft a convincing narrative, design the right materials for investors, and confidently showcase your startup to attract investors and secure funding.
Image: K2MATCH Monaco Investor Lounge (3rd Monaco Edition) ; Pitching Startup: Niclas Ekdahl, Founder of Swöm
Pitching Masterclass
Successfully Pitching your Idea in front of Investors with a winning Pitch Deck.
K2Match will coach and mentor you to enable you to produce a winning Pitch Deck and make you understand what matters to Investors during the pitching session to engage them further. You will be able to touch the “Heart” and the “Wallet” of investors and provoke genuine interest in your company.
Our Pitch Deck & Pitching Masterclass is designed to equip you with the tools, strategies, and confidence to succeed in front of investors.
K2MATCH Monaco Investor Lounge: Pitch Niclas Ekdahl , Co-Founder Swöm
Get Investor-Ready
Pitching is a vital life skill, not just for startups seeking funding. Whether convincing an investor, selling your vision to a partner.
Your Pitch Deck is more than just slides—it’s your story, strategy, and opportunity packaged for success. By joining our masterclass, you’ll learn how to:
Skills you Learn:
Craft a Compelling Story: Develop a narrative that connects emotionally with investors while showcasing your business potential.
Learn what Investors truly want: Understand how to present your market opportunity, business model, traction, and growth potential in ways that resonate with investors.
Pitch in 5min with Confidence: Master the art of delivering a concise, compelling pitch that captivates your audience, distills your message to its essence, and leaves a memorable impact—all within a limited timeframe.
Refine Your Presentation Skills: Practice tone, pace, and body language to make your pitch engaging and persuasive.
Prepare for Investor Q&A: Learn to anticipate tough questions and respond confidently and handle objections effectively.
About the Masterclass Tutor and Expert
Badr Moudden
Passionate senior expert in strategic development and moving organizations to the next level of Sales growth, including tender management, negotiation and deal closing. Badr covers industry expertise across Chemicals, Automotive, Engineering, Machinery and Devices, Industrial distribution, B2B Software (SaaS).
Serial Founder, Business Angel
Doing the right things right : Badr has consulted top European companies and start-ups and brings a proven track record in scaling businesses and successfully guiding companies through seed and series A funding rounds. Badr is a recognized coach and a start-up mentor, President of the manager lounge Düsseldorf and an international networker.
Masterclass Course
Pitch Champion Package
Pitch Deck and Pitching Masterclass
Initial Call
(30 min.)
Kickoff Session
You Pitch to us
Short Q&A Session
K2MATCH gives you our initial Feedback on the Pitch
Second Call
(60 min.)
Coaching and Mentoring Session
K2MATCH’s Workshop/ Guidance on how to construct a winning 10 slides Pitch (slide by slide)
Building a convicing Storyline
Q&A Session
After the Call:
You apply the learning and produce the first draft
Third Call
(60 min.)
Review Session
You Pitch the new 10 slide Pitch
K2MATCH gives feedback
Q&A Session
K2MATCH will coach you on how to physically pitch and make it to the point with the right emotion in 180 sec (3min)
After the Call:
You prepare the final 10 slides Pitch deck and rehearse the 3 mins pitch.
Wrap Up Session
You perform the final Pitch using final 10 slide Pitch deck in real conditions: 90sec
We will run a real Condition Q&A
After the final Call:
You will be ready with a convincing 180 sec (3min) spot on Pitch for investors and fit to answer Questions.
Final Call
(30 min.)
Total Price: 699,- € + VAT
*Total of 3 Hours for one startup, split in 4 sessions
Book now! There will be only 4 Masterclasses per month.
Our Previous Startup Pitches in front of Investors